Get source codes
$ cd $WORKBuild
$ git clone git://
$ cd $WORK/qemuPrepare OS images
$ git checkout origin/aosp/tools_r13
$ ./
$ make
$ cd $WORKLaunch the OS image
$ wget
$ tar zxf android-sdk_r13-linux_x86.tgz
$ cd android-sdk-linux_x86/
$ ./tools/android
(Install SDK platform packages, then create virtual machine definition named X in GUI. Android 1.6, 2.3.3, and 3.2 will work fine.)
$ ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=$WORK/android-sdk-linux_x86 $WORK/qemu/objs/emulator-arm @XMemos
(X is the name you named in preparing OS images.)
- is an unofficial mirror repository. If come back, you must use the git:// repository.
- If you'd like to build on OS X, you must build in a case-sensitive file system because block.h conflicts with system provided Block.h. Default file system is case-*in*sensitive, so you may prepare a disk image and work in it as follows;
- $ hdiutil create $NAME -size 1024m -fs HFSX -volume $VOLUME; hdiutil attach $NAME; cd /Volumes/$VOLUME; do something...
- If you'd like to build trunk sources, you may want to use prebuilt SDL library in /platform/prebuilt.git. It could be passed via --sdl-config arguments in But I guess it miss three functions including SDL_WM_GetPos, etc. Also it will be a pretty tough and boring work to find some stable combinations between versions of SDL, qemu, and OS images.