
久々にCPU関連のサーベイ - Survey on CPU Top Conference

For the time being, I took a glance at the last ISCA and MICRO to catch up. I just choosed interesting papers and not already read. If you know following papers, please  teach me the essence :-)

Papers which I'm interested in and on which I would like to research.

ISCA 2010
 - Translation Caching: Skip, Don't Walk (the Page Table)
 - NoHype: Virtualized Cloud Infrastructure without the Virtualization

MICRO 2010
 - Architectural Support for Fair Reader-Writer Locking

Papers being interesting, but I wouldn't start on just yet.

ISCA 2010
 - High Performance Cache Replacement using Re-Reference Interval Prediction (RRIP)
 - The Virtual Write Queue: Coordinating DRAM and Last-Level Cache Policies
 - Morphable Memory System: A Robust Architecture for Exploiting Multi-Level Phase Change Memories

MICRO 2010
 - Synergistic TLBs for High Performance Address Translation in Chip Multiprocessors
 - ASF: AMD64 Extension for Lock-free Data Structure and Transactional Memory

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